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Business Arena was invited to Jeep Adventure Day to put to the test the American carmaker's model lineup.

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Senzații tari la Jeep Adventure Day care a avut loc la TCS Racing Park din Ciolpani Jeep Adventure Day, un eveniment în care atât jurnaliștii, cât și clienții pot vedea, sub îndrumarea unui instructor, care sunt limitările modelelor constructorului american.
The event, hosted by TCS Racing Park at Ciolpani, was open to journalists and customers alike, and included an obstacle track that allowed guests to have a taste of Jeep's off-road prowess.
For our colleagues, Paul Madrio and Cosmin Stangaciu, it was a truly fantastic experience that involved tackling 30-degree climbing gradients, 35-degree descends and 25-degree lateral inclines, water crossings, and balancing on two wheels. Our hosts provided several models in various trim levels and engine sizes, including the Renegade, the Compass, and the Wrangler, and each and every one of them showed excellent off-roading abilities, handling beautifully everything that was thrown at them.
Despite their lower ground clearance when compared to the Wrangler, the Renegade and Compass proved very capable at dealing with the intense hurdles they were put through. In turn, the short-base Wrangler was a Sahara-trim model using road tires. Even so, both the short- and the long-base Wrangler models displayed an impressive performance.  
At the end of an exciting day, our colleagues declared themselves absolutely thrilled with their experience on the off-road track.

Evenimentul a avut loc la TCS Racing Park din Ciolpani, un loc unde a putut fi amenajat un traseu cu obstacole ce durează 30 minute.
Doar că acesta și-a adus câțiva frați dornici de puțină mișcare în aer liber:
Jeep Compass 2.0 MultiJet 170 CP AT9 4×4 Trailhawk
Jeep Wrangler 2.0 Turbo 270 CP
Sahara Jeep Wrangler Unlimited 2.2 CRD 200 CP
Sahara Jeep Wrangler Unlimited 2.2 CRD 200 CP Rubicon
Imaginile nu cred că fac cinste traseului destul de complicat. Am avut rampe de 30 grade, pante de 35 grade și înclinații laterale de 25 grade. Testele de articulații nu au lipsit nici ele, iar porțiunea în care treceai prin apă ascundea pietre. A existat și un loc unde puteai balansa mașina pe două roți, avându-le pe celelalte două în aer.

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