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Jackets and blazers must-haves for all seasons

1206 afisari
By Adina Buzatu
Jackets and blazers are the pieces de resistance in every man’s wardrobe, and they become indispensable during the cold season. Depending on individual personality and life style, they can be unstructured (with unpadded shoulders and chest) or structured (with well-defined shapes). On warmer days, jackets can be worn with a shirt, but they look just as good with a knitted, handmade looking sweater on colder days. In both cases, a scarf with an interesting print can provide a touch of originality. Here are some aspects that I suggest you pay attention to when buying such items:
With a well-tailored, quality suit, the shirt collar should show above the jacket collar, while shirt collar tips should be covered by jacket lapels. 
Modern jackets have become shorter and shorter, however you should only choose such a model if your body shape allows it. If you opt for a classic jacket, don’t forget that it should be long enough to cover you buttocks. Also about two centimeters of shirt cuff should show below your jacket cuff.
Tie width should match the width of the lapels on your suit jacket or blazer. Generally, lapels can be slim, regular or wide. With wide-lapel jackets, you should wear wide (eight – nine cm), natural silk neck ties. Don’t forget to accentuate you tie folds and knot. 
A slim-fit suit will always flatter your body shape. But slim fit doesn’t mean close-fitting, which is why such a suit will also flatter fuller figures. If you choose a double-breasted jacket, bear in mind that you will not be wearing it unbuttoned. All buttons will be fastened, except for the bottom one. You should also invest in a fine velvet jacket or a blazer like the ones from the French-based brand Lords & Fools. They are always elegant, and they go well with fine wool pants, shirt and bow tie or neck tie, being easily integrated in a stylish outfit. But they can also be successfully worn with jeans for a less formal occasion.  
Have a stylish year!

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