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In its endeavor to secure market leading status, home appliance and electronics retailer Domo relies on the skills, experience and know-how of two Austrian professionals. Much effort has been put into the company's re-branding process, as Domo CEO Kim Kollner emphasized in his interview with Business Arena earlier this year. Now, Sigmund Klein and Eugen Petrov speak about the challenges of doing business in Romania, about the positive prospects and about their views about the country.
Speaking about their main professional targets, the two officials agree that the company aims high, but its goals are totally achievable with hard work, innovation and determination.    
In our capacity as representatives of the shareholders, our main target is of course to lead Domo out of the negative financial position and back into the profit zone. This target should be and can only be achieved by improving the company’s business performance, which involves better customer satisfaction, perfect cooperation with our partners in the supply chain, landlords and financial institutions. To achieve those objectives, the company must rely on experienced management teams that are well acquainted with the western retail know-how and practice. The company’s current top and middle management teams have those qualities and are able to help Domo reclaim its market-leading position, which would bring satisfaction to our shareholders and clients alike. The concept behind these intentions is modern, aggressive and innovative, which provides the necessary differentiation against the other competitors in the market.
In our position, we can see the clear perspectives and we can certify that Domo’s management has full shareholder support for any financial and business-related aspects.

To read the full version, see the print edition of Business Arena.

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